標籤: Encyclopedia of Life

Introduction of Encyclopedia of Life-Global access to knowledge about life on Earth

An encyclopedia is a comprehensive and authoritative source of information on various topics and an important reference book. Traditional encyclopedias contain articles or entries written by experts based on past studies, with detailed and systematic explanations. An encyclopedia is useful when you want to learn more about a specific person, event, object, theory, technique, definition, or history.  Perhaps you’ve heard of the  Encyclopedia Britannica, but did you know the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)?


為全球提供有關地球上生命的知識— 網路生命大百科(Encyclopedia of Life)介紹

百科全書(Encyclopedia)是獲得各類知識的來源之一,也是重要參考工具書。傳統的百科全書係由領域專家經文獻閱讀與考證後撰寫出的條目所組成,通常包含完整且系統性整理的描述。當需要瞭解或描述特定人事物、理論、技術的基礎定義或發展歷史時,百科全書就是可多加善用的參考資源!您或許都聽過大英百科全書,那您知道「網路生命大百科」(Encyclopedia of Life,簡稱EOL)嗎?

