分類: 人文與藝術館藏資源

如何查詢《教務雜誌》(The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal)

在 19~20 世紀的中國,The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal《教務雜誌》系列是持續出版時間最長的英文刊物,自 1868 年創刊,至 1941 年因太平洋戰爭爆發而停刊。這份刊物原是來華宣教士交換訊息及討論宣教工作的平臺,以協助對中國文化的瞭解與工作的推行。因記錄詳實,並輔以手繪圖片、照片、統計數字,因此不僅是西方觀察中國的窗口,也是今日研究中國近代史的第一手文本。

於館藏目錄以 ”Chinese recorder” 查詢題名,




Open access (簡稱OA) 已蔚為學術發表的新趨勢,透過 OA 的實踐,讓學術成果被更多人看見,也變得更易於取得及傳播。掌握 OA 資訊,常用的工具有 DOAJDOAB,各國也陸續推出整合 OA 資料的平台,例如韓國的 KOAJ (Korea Open Access Journals),中國大陸的 COAJ (China Open Access Journals) 及 NSSD (National Social Science Database)。

在台灣,則有國科會建置的「臺灣學術期刊開放取用平台」(TOAJ–Taiwan Open Access Journals) ,提供開放平台,協助研究成果的傳播交流及永續典藏。



對現代人而言,尋找某個人的資料相當容易,可以從Google、維基百科、新聞報紙等網站找到豐富的資料。如果不是公眾人物,也可以從社群媒體 Facebook、Instagram 等平台找到個人照片、居住地,甚至直接與對方聯繫。若想尋找年代稍微早期(民國初年~80年)的華人照片、生平資料,發現網路資料不完整,擔心其正確性與可信度,有何替代方法呢?


Databases for EMI Courses-Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

The NTU library has a rich multimedia database, which is suitable for EMI courses as teaching materials to show videos in class. In this article, we’ll introduce eight databases of arts, humanities, and social sciences. Welcome to make full use of those databases to make the EMI course more interesting!
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More Than Chocolate: Explore the Literature and Art of Lady Godiva in the Databases and the Library

As we know, Godiva is a chocolate brand from Belgium. Godiva is undoubtedly a symbol for high quality chocolate, and the origin of its name was from Lady Godiva, wife of Lord Leofric. She made a famous ride through the streets of Coventry and the taxes were reduced, making her a legend throughout the centuries. Inspired by the legend, the chocolate making family named their company after her and kept the associated values such as boldness, generosity, and a pioneering spirit.


Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences Research Resources (HUSO)

Haven’t have an idea for your literature report? Too many databases from the library to choose from? Try this Humanities & Social Sciences Research Resources (HUSO) system arranged by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).


MLA – International Bibliography: Modern International Language and Literature Index Database

MLA – International Bibliography: “Modern International Language and Literature Index Database” is made by Modern Language Association, and it provides journal articles, books, and the elaborated bibliography of dissertations. The source of the index included peer reviewed academical journals, doctoral thesis, monographs, published reference materials, proceedings, textbooks, teaching anthologies and more. The themes cover multilingual academic research fields, such as linguistics, literature, folkloristics, literary criticism, drama and theater arts. Most of the documents are in English, and also includes French, Spanish, Portuguese and some 60 languages. There are up to 4,400 types of journals, and the database also provides related information of them. In this article, you will be briefly guided through the basic functions of this database.
