分類: 生命科學與醫學館藏資源

Introduction of Encyclopedia of Life-Global access to knowledge about life on Earth

An encyclopedia is a comprehensive and authoritative source of information on various topics and an important reference book. Traditional encyclopedias contain articles or entries written by experts based on past studies, with detailed and systematic explanations. An encyclopedia is useful when you want to learn more about a specific person, event, object, theory, technique, definition, or history.  Perhaps you’ve heard of the  Encyclopedia Britannica, but did you know the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)?


如何引用Article in press待刊論文、Advance online publication線上預行出版論文?

讀者從 PubMed 資料庫匯出以下文章的書目,並選擇以 APA 格式呈現,但不確定紅色數字串與”Advance online publication”代表的意義。

Li, Y. C., Lin, K. C., Chen, C. L., Yao, G., Chang, Y. J., Lee, Y. Y., Liu, C. T., & Chen, W. S. (2023). Three ways to improve arm function in the chronic phase after stroke by robotic priming combined with mirror therapy, arm training and movement-oriented therapy. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, S0003-9993(23)00150-8. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2023.02.015


Databases for EMI Courses- Science, Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine

The NTU library has a rich multimedia database, which is suitable for EMI courses as teaching materials. In this article, we’ll introduce nine databases of science, technology, life sciences, and medicine. Welcome to make full use of those databases to make the EMI course more interesting!
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為全球提供有關地球上生命的知識— 網路生命大百科(Encyclopedia of Life)介紹

百科全書(Encyclopedia)是獲得各類知識的來源之一,也是重要參考工具書。傳統的百科全書係由領域專家經文獻閱讀與考證後撰寫出的條目所組成,通常包含完整且系統性整理的描述。當需要瞭解或描述特定人事物、理論、技術的基礎定義或發展歷史時,百科全書就是可多加善用的參考資源!您或許都聽過大英百科全書,那您知道「網路生命大百科」(Encyclopedia of Life,簡稱EOL)嗎?



MERCK INDEX ONLINE:化學品與藥物的綜合性百科全書

新資料庫上線囉!國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心(NCHC)引進MERCK INDEX ONLINE,臺大是可直接查詢使用資料庫的機構之一。The Merck Index由英國皇家化學會(Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC)出版,線上版Merck Index是最新且完整的化學品、藥物和物質的綜合性百科全書,包含物質各項名稱、結構式、物理特性、參考文獻與應用等。


投稿SPIE OA期刊 臺大師生享折扣優惠

期刊以開放取用(Open Access: OA)、由作者付費出版加速學術傳播的模式已是必然趨勢。致力於光學與光子學相關研究與應用領域的SPIE國際光電工程學會,其所出版期刊也朝此發展。SPIE對作者選擇以OA方式刊登期刊文章有優惠條件,只要文章通訊作者學會會員或所屬機構為SPIE Digital ibrary機構訂戶則可享投稿優惠。臺大為其機構訂戶,所以本校師生為通訊作者投稿SPIE期刊選擇OA方式發表,即可享有七五折扣為每篇1255美元。但請注意,有些期刊在某段期間內或對某些文章類型(例如 Review/Tutorial papers)有提供特殊優惠,詳見官網:Open Access Policies for SPIE Journals


iBiology: Free website of biology-related videos

iBiology, former iBioEducation, iBioSeminars, and iBioMagazine, is a free website of biology-related pedagogic video, established by professors of cellular and molecular pharmacology of UCSF, Ron Vale. Found as a  project and sponsored by National Academy of Sciences of America, iBiology provides more than 600 videos regarding lessons and interviews of researchers devoting to fields related to biology.



PubMed的好用特點在於可以透過生物醫學主題詞MeSH進行查詢,也是因為PubMed裡的個別文獻與資訊內容都有以MeSH主題詞標示與描述,也因此可以用關鍵字比對到MeSH後精準的查到相關主題的資訊內容。除了查詢主題與臨床文獻之外,MeSH也用來標示PubMed裡的期刊!透過查詢NLM Catalog也能用MeSH查到該主題的期刊喔!

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