
mao  (圖片來源)


在臺大圖書館SLIM館藏目錄的進階檢索功能,選擇書刊名或主題欄位,輸入”文化大革命”或英文”Cultural Revolution”,可查到不少的館藏,羅列部分著作如下:

書名 著者 / 編者 年代
文革的起源 : 公有制啟示錄 蘇福忠 2015
革命造反年代 : 上海文革運動史稿 李遜 2015
真相與反思 : 2013年<<昨天>>精選 何蜀 2014
香港, 1967 余汝信 2012
文化大革命的起源 Roderick MacFarquhar 2012
China under Mao : a revolution derailed  Andrew G. Walder 2015
The cultural revolution at the margins : Chinese socialism in crisis Yiching Wu 2014
Genocide & persecution. The People’s Republic of China Jeff Hay 2013


Pang, L. (2012). Colour and utopia: The filmic portrayal of harvest in late Cultural Revolution narrative films. Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 6(3), 263-282.

Lingchei Letty, C. (2008). Translating Memory, Transforming Identity: Chinese Expatriates and Memoirs of the Cultural Revolution. Tamkang Review, 38(2), 25-40.

Yongyi, S. (2007). A Glance at the Underground Reading Movement during the Cultural Revolution. Journal of Contemporary China, 16(51), 325-333. doi:10.1080/10670560701194632

Roberts, R. (2006). Gendering the revolutionary body: Theatrical costume in cultural revolution China. Asian Studies Review, 30(2), 141-159. doi:10.1080/10357820600714231

Jian, G. (1999). Politics of othering and postmodernisation of the Cultural Revolution. Postcolonial Studies, 2(2), 213-229. doi:10.1080/13688799989779






by Chiaolun Chen