標籤: AMS

Introduction to eBooks of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)

American Mathematical Society (AMS) is a renowned non-profit organization advocating mathematical research and education, which provides help and advice on math education and facilitates communication between mathematicians worldwide. Established more than 130 years since 1888, the AMS has published massive amounts of premium books in the Advanced Mathematic field, such as proceedings, monographs, and memoirs of the mathematics field since the 19th century


三大數學學會電子書介紹系列之一: 有關〈美國數學學會〉之電子書出版品

美國數學學會(American Mathematical Society,AMS)是美國數學領域推動數學研究和數學教育的知名組織,本身為一非營利機構,旨在促進關於數學之研究,並且對數學教育提供協助與建議以及促進各國數學家之交流活動等等。美國數學學會於1888年成立至今130多年來,已經出版了非常大量高品質之高等數學領域的書籍,包括19世紀以來數學專業領域的各種會議論文集(Proceedings)、專書(Monograph)以及專論(Memoirs)。台大截至目前已訂購了以下數種經典系列叢書,多數已涵蓋自創刊以來的所有出版品:
