標籤: Nobel Prize

iBiology: Free website of biology-related videos

iBiology, former iBioEducation, iBioSeminars, and iBioMagazine, is a free website of biology-related pedagogic video, established by professors of cellular and molecular pharmacology of UCSF, Ron Vale. Found as a  project and sponsored by National Academy of Sciences of America, iBiology provides more than 600 videos regarding lessons and interviews of researchers devoting to fields related to biology.



iBiology網站前身為 iBioEducation、iBioSeminars以及iBioMagazine,是一個免費的生物相關教學影片網站,2006年由加州大學舊金山分校(UCSF)細胞及分子藥理學系教授Ron Vale以計畫形式創立,期間受美國科技部贊助,至今網站上提供超過600部生物相關學者訪談及教學影片,旨在促進科學傳播,嘉惠全球生物領域的研究者、教學者、以及學生。以下簡介iBiology網站內容:
