標籤: The Economist

How to find “The Economist” in NTU Library?

The Economist was founded in 1843 in London. It is an weekly newspaper which focused on international news of politics, business and finance.  The unique and insightful analyses make it not only the a classic reading for teachers and students in business school but also an important tool for entrepreneurs to keep up with the latest information around the world.


管院學生必讀之2:The Economist《經濟學人》



台積電董事長張忠謀先生曾於天下雜誌專訪〈張忠謀:大學生要做的11件事〉提及:大學生培養國際觀的方法是向世界學習,每天閱覽英文書報雜誌是很好的起點,例如:International Herald Tribune、The Economist 與 Business Week (註1)。又有則冷笑話說,在機場貴賓室等著搭飛機的企業家,遇到同行,聊天話題選什麼是萬無一失的呢?除了千篇一律聊天氣之外,一起討論《經濟學人》本周封面焦點 (cover story) 準沒錯!1843 年 The Economist《經濟學人》於英國倫敦創刊,每周定期發行,針對全球政治、商業、財經的重要新聞,提供精闢獨到的分析,是管理學院師生必讀的經典報紙之一,更是企業領導人掌握全球要聞及財經脈動的利器。 
