

本系列課程由臺大外國語文學系周樹華老師擔任主持人,邀請相關專家、學者共同會談,針對多部英國經典文學作品進行解析和導讀。同時,亦由周樹華老師挑選每部作品的精采片段內容,提供線上聆賞,也可作為英語之語言學習之用。讀者可連結圖書館Naxos Spoken Word Library資料庫,以聆聽全部的作品。

  • 以下節錄之精彩片段,請連結至Naxos Spoken Word Library資料庫聆聽。限臺大校內師生使用,校外連線請設定VPN。

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland  ➤《坎特伯里故事集》Canterbury Tales

《塊肉餘生錄》David Copperfield  ➤《都柏林人》Dubliners  ➤《科學怪人》Frankenstein

《格列佛遊記》Gulliver’s Travels  ➤《哈姆雷特》Hamlet  ➤《簡愛》Jane Eyre

《李爾王》King Lear  ➤《傲慢與偏見》Pride and Prejudice





  1. 從Naxos Spoken Word Library到「線上文學書房」(03:06)
  2. 由細讀Intensive Reading談到廣泛閱讀Extensive Reading (11:37)
  3. 如何落實廣泛閱讀 (08:38)
  4. 廣泛閱讀對英語聽說讀寫能力的影響及其附加價值 (13:22)
  5. 其他閱讀方法:Shadow Reading, Echo Reading及Repeat Reading (05:52)

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

作者:路易士‧卡羅(Lewis Carrol)





  1. 本作品中有關語言文字的遊戲
  2. 本作品中有關動物的角色
  3. 再談語言文字使用上的豐富性
  4. 由插畫看其現實與幻想世界中的差異
  5. 語言豐富性與其功能
  6. 插畫中所呈現的社會階級與社會現象
  7. 有關譯本的選擇與各種面向
  8. 插畫中的寫實風格
  9. 例舉翻譯在結構上的對應


  1. The Pool Of Tears (Disc 1_03:09’21”)
  2. A Caucus-Race And A Long Tale (Disc 1_04:09’11”)
  3. The Rabbit Sends In A Little Bill (Disc 1_05:07’08”)
  4. A Mad Tea-Party (Disc 2_01:13’14”)
  5. The Mock Turtle’s Story (Disc 2_04:09’21”)
  6. Who Stole The Tarts? (Disc 2_08:09’07”)

《坎特伯里故事集》Canterbury Tales

作者:喬叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)




  1. 喬叟與坎特伯里故事集創作時空介紹
  2. 騎士的故事
  3. 磨坊主人的故事
  4. 巴斯夫人的故事
  5. 總結


  1. General Prologue (Disc 1_01:02’46”)
  2. The Knight’s Tale
  3. The Miller’s Tale
  4. The Wife of Bath’s Tale

《塊肉餘生錄》David Copperfield

作者:查理斯‧狄更斯(Charles Dickens)




  1. David Copperfield與作者生平的關係
  2. Dickens與插畫家之間的衝突及閱讀插畫文本介紹
  3. 城市與鄉間的對照
  4. 維多利亞時期插畫的風格及女性形象
  5. 維多利亞時期的階級問題


  1. I Am Born (Disc 1_01:06’12”)
  2. I Observe (Disc 1_02:05’15”)
  3. I Have A Change (Disc 1_03:13’27”)
  4. I Fall Into Disgrace (Disc 1_04:08’30”)
  5. I Am Sent Away (Disc 1_05:10’02”)
  6. Tempest (Disc 4_10:09’13”)
  7. Agnes (Disc 4_15:02’05”)
  8. A Light Shines On My Way (Disc 4_16:03’58”)
  9. A Visitor (Disc 4_17:02’57”)


作者:詹姆士‧喬伊斯(James Joyce)





  1. PART1:作者介紹(epiphany釋義)
  2. PART2:Araby
  3. PART3:Eveline
  4. PART4:The Boarding House
  5. PART5:總結


  1. Araby Part 1:’North Richmond Street, Being Blind, Was A Quiet, Street Except At The Hour When The Christian… (Disc 1_07:08’26”)
  2. Araby Part 2:On Sunday Morning I Reminded My Uncle That I Wished To Go To The Bazar In The Evening (Disc 1_08:06’46”)
  3. Eveline Part 1:She Sat At The Window Watching The Evening Invade The Avenue (Disc 1_09:08’59”)
  4. Eveline Part 2:She Stood Among The Swaying Crowd In The Station At The North Wall (Disc 1_10:02’43”)
  5. The Boarding House Part 1:Mrs. Mooney Was A Butcher’s Daughter (Disc 2_09:07’50”)
  6. The Boarding House Part 2:There Must Be Reparation Made In Such A Case (Disc 2_10:07’50”)
  7. The Boarding House Part 3:Polly Sat For A Littlle Time On The Side Of The Bed, Crying (Disc 2_11:01’59”)


作者:瑪麗‧雪萊(Mary Shelley)





  1. 作者介紹
  2. 故事結構
  3. 人物角色
  4. Gothic Novel之特色


  1. Begins His Story (Disc 1_03:03’26”)
  2. The Daemon Lives (Disc 1_07:04’17”)
  3. Clerval And The Daemon Appear (Disc 1_08:05’33”)
  4. The Daemon Reflects (Disc 1_15:07’00”)
  5. Madness And Destruction (Disc 2_07:03’55”)
  6. The Final Revenge (Disc 2_14:04’08”)
  7. Daemon’s Last Words (Disc 2_15:06’48”)

《格列佛遊記》Gulliver’s Travels

作者:強納森‧斯惠夫特(Jonathan Swift)




  1. Gulliver’s Travels引言及作者背景簡介
  2. Gulliver’s Travels Part Three 討論
  3. Gulliver’s Travels諷刺內涵討論


  1. A Letter from Captain Gulliver to his Cousin Sympson (Disc 1_01:04’41”)
  2. A Voyage to Lilliput (Disc 1_02:06’23”)
  3. The Emperor of Lilliput (Disc 1_04:13’29”)
  4. A Voyage To Brobdingnag (Disc 1_09:07’43”)
  5. A Voyage To Laputa, Balnibarbi And Luggnagg (Disc 2_05:09’22”)
  6. An Account of The Struldbruggs (Disc 3_01:05’53”)
  7. A Voyage to The Country of The Houyhnhnms (Disc 3_02:10’14”)
  8. The Two Horses Came Up To Me (Disc 3_03:11’09”)
  9. Thus, Gentle Reader (Disc 3_09:06’28”)


作者:威廉‧莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)




  1. 謎樣的莎翁生平
  2. 好萊塢式劇本─Sex, Violence& Revenge
  3. 弒父戀母的Oedipus complex
  4. 鬼魂的真假善惡
  5. Procrastinator, Melancholic & Misogynist
  6. 裝瘋賣傻的復仇王子


  1. Act 1 Scene 5 (Disc 1_08-10:12’52”)
  2. Act 3 Scene 1 (Disc 2_07-09:07’54”)
  3. Act 3 Scene 2 (Disc 2_10-15:16’45”)
  4. Act 3 Scene 4 (Disc 2_19-22:12’02”)
  5. Act 4 Scene 5 (Disc 3_01-04:11’22”)
  6. Act 5 Scene 2 (Disc 3_13-16:23’06”)

《簡愛》Jane Eyre

作者:夏綠蒂‧白朗特(Charlotte Brontë)




  1. Jane Eyre的成長故事
  2. Jane Eyre的愛情故事
  3. Jane Eyre的故事背景:日常生活與英國殖民
  4. Jane Eyre寫實與Gothic的融合


  1. October, November, December passed away (Disc 4_12:05’14”)
  2. It was very near, but not yet in sight… (Disc 4_13:05’23”)
  3. You live just below… (Disc 4_14:04’45”)
  4. Mrs Fairfax had dropped her knitting… (Disc 5_04:05’40”)
  5. He spread the pictures before him… (Disc 5_05:05’00”)
  6. Mr Rochester, as he sat in his damask-covered chair… (Disc 5_08:06’38”)
  7. Instead of speaking, I smiled… (Disc 5_09:05’21”)
  8. My eye met his as the idea crossed my mind… (Disc 5_10:06’10”)
  9. He said this as if he spoke to a vision… (Disc 5_11:08’08”)
  10. ‘I suppose, now,’ said Miss Ingram… (Disc 7_07:07’48”)
  11. Chapter 23 (Disc 10_04:05’38”)
  12. It is one of my faults… (Disc 10_05:04’15”)
  13. In about a month… (Disc 10_06:05’57”)
  14. I tell you I must go! (Disc 10_07:04’41”)
  15. You – you strange, you almost unearthly thing! (Disc 10_08:05’56”)
  16. ‘Will you ever forgive me?’ (Disc 12_03:05’45”)
  17. ‘Jane, you shall not stay here, nor will I.’ (Disc 12_04:05’56”)
  18. For the evening reading before prayers… (Disc 16_11:05’57”)
  19. The Impossible – that is my marriage… (Disc 16_12:05’37”)
  20. He descended the one step… (Disc 17_05:04’46”)
  21. ‘Who is this?’ (Disc 17_06:05’14”)
  22. I will be your neighbour, your nurse, your housekeeper (Disc 17_07:05’06”)
  23. Summoning Mary…(Disc 17_08:05’38”)
  24. Very early the next morning… (Disc 17_09:05’11”)
  25. ‘This St John, then, is your cousin?’ (Disc 17_10:06’23”)
  26. ‘Jane, I ever like your tone of voice…’ (Disc 17_11:04’45”)
  27. ‘Mr Rochester, if ever I did a good deed in my life…’ (Disc 17_12:05’22”)
  28. I longed for thee… (Disc 17_13:04’31”)
  29. Chapter 38 (Disc 17_14:03’33”)
  30. You have not quite forgotten little Adele… (Disc 17_15:04’16”)
  31. One morning at the end of the two years… (Disc 17_16:04’37”)

《李爾王》King Lear

作者:威廉‧莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)




  1. 劇本結構及Opening Scene
  2. 故事情節說明
  3. 時空背景及內容主題分析
  4. 私生子部份分析討論
  5. 生理及心理相互影響分析
  6. 精彩臺詞討論
  7. 從精神分析觀點討論King Lear


  1. Act 1 Scene 1 (Disc 1_01-05:18’46”)
  2. Act 1 Scene 2 (Disc 1_06-08:09’54”)
  3. Act 3 Scene 4 (Disc 2_12-14:12’07”)
  4. Act 4 Scene 1 (Disc 2_21-22:05’00”)
  5. Act 4 Scene 6 (Disc 3_06-07:05’46”)
  6. Act 5 Scene 3 (Disc 3_14-20:21’19”)

《傲慢與偏見》Pride and Prejudice

作者:珍‧奧斯汀(Jane Austen)





  1. 淺談Pride and Prejudice成書背景
  2. Pride and Prejudice的語言呈現方式
  3. Pride and Prejudice的時代背景與Jane Austen的社會期待
  4. 再論Pride and Prejudice第二部分narrative式特殊文體
  5. 從Lydia欲私奔的地點Gretna Green再談Jane Austen的感情觀


  1. Chapter 1: It is a truth universally acknowledged… (Disc 1_01:05’26”)
  2. Chapter 6: The ladies of Longbourn…(Disc 1_07:05’12”)
  3. Occupied in observing Mr Bingley’s attentions…(Disc 1_08:04’25”)
  4. Mr Darcy stood near them in silent indignation…(Disc 1_09:05’29”)
  5. Chapter 16: As no objection was made… (Disc 2_14:04’32”)
  6. Allowing for the common demands of the game… (Disc 3_01:04’21”)
  7. Mr Wickham began to speak on more general topics… (Disc 3_02:07’59”)
  8. After many pauses and many trials of other subjects… (Disc 3_03:05’25”)
  9. Chapter 18: Till Elizabeth entered the drawing-room… (Disc 3_06:03’45”)
  10. When the dancing recommenced… (Disc 3_07:04’53”)
  11. The latter part of this address… (Disc 3_08:05’37”)
  12. Jane met her with a smile… (Disc 3_09:07’23”)
  13. As Elizabeth had no longer any interest… (Disc 3_10:07’46”)
  14. To Elizabeth it appeared… (Disc 3_11:04’34”)
  15. Chapter 34: When they were gone… (Disc 6_01:05’15”)
  16. Mr Darcy, who was leaning against the mantelpiece… (Disc 6_02:04’10”)
  17. ‘And this,’ cried Darcy… (Disc 6_03:04’09”)
  18. Chapter 43: Elizabeth, as they drove along… (Disc 7_07:05’52”)
  19. Mrs Reynolds then directed their attention… (Disc 7_08:06’47”)
  20. When all of the house that was open… (Disc 7_09:07’07”)
  21. Whilst wandering on in this slow manner… (Disc 7_10:05’56”)
  22. They now walked on in silence… (Disc 7_11:05’09”)
  23. Chapter 56: One morning… (Disc 10_10:04’11”)
  24. Her carriage remained at the door… (Disc 10_11:04’23”)
  25. Lady Catherine hesitated for a moment… (Disc 10_12:04’11”)
  26. Though Elizabeth would not… (Disc 10_13:05’39”)
  27. Chapter 58: Instead of receiving any such letter… (Disc 11_04:04’21”)
  28. They walked on, without knowing in what direction… (Disc 11_05:03’21”)
  29. She explained what its effect on her had been… (Disc 11_06:05’03”)
  30. After walking several miles… (Disc 11_07:03’02”)
  31. Chapter 59: ‘My dear Lizzy…’ (Disc 11_08:04’56”)
  32. ‘Good gracious!’, cried Mrs Bennet… (Disc 11_09:02’30”)
  33. In the evening… (Disc 11_10:04’48”)
  34. Elizabeth’s mind was now relieved… (Disc 11_11:03’25”)
  35. Chapter 61: Happy for all her maternal feelings… (Disc 11_14:03’53”)
  36. As it happened that Elizabeth… (Disc 11_15:04’15”)



