“Meteor Garden” is in National Chung Cheng University, it’s not in NTU in Taipei!
前陣子圖書館員帶東南亞訪客導覽時,有人提問 ” Is there any materials about Meteor Garden in NTU Library?” 滿頭黑人問號又哭笑不得之餘,我們試試看在臺大圖書館整合查詢系統SLIM裡面,可以查到什麼關於流星花園、Meteor Garden的資料?
首先,我們使用進階檢索功能,查詢範圍選擇「全部」,可涵蓋館藏目錄以外的線上資源,輸入流星花園、”meteor garden”兩個關鍵字,並用或(OR)組合。接著,於檢索結果左側調整範圍,勾選「本館+非本館資源」、排除來自Wikipedia的「參考項目」,剩下134筆檢索結果。
- Heryanto, A. (2008). Popular Culture in Indonesia : Fluid Identities in Post-Authoritarian Politics. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis.
- Chen, Y. (2008). Looking for Taiwan’s Competitive Edge: The Production and Circulation of Taiwanese TV Drama. In TV Drama in China. Hong Kong University Press.
- Setijadi, C. (2005). Questioning Proximity: East Asian TV Dramas in Indonesia. Media Asia, 32(4), 197–205.
- Chen, C. (2013). Is the Video Game a Cultural Vehicle? Games and Culture, 8(6), 408–427.
- Huat, C. (2004). Conceptualizing an East Asian popular culture. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 5(2), 200–221.
- Otmazgin, N. (2005). Cultural Commodities and Regionalization in East Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs, 27(3), 499–523.
- Tai, Y., Downing, J., Kapur, J., Han, D., Zhao, Y., & Zhou, H. (2013). Development or dependency? The emerging Chinese culturallinguistic TV market and idol TV drama in Taiwan and China. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
- Chen, C., & Yano, C. (2012). Familiar strangers afoot in Taiwan: The competing social imaginaries of East Asian tourists. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
由上述資料發現《流星花園》作為偶像劇始祖對於台灣、東亞文化的影響,不愧是台灣的軟實力,我們可以擴大搜尋範圍,將檢索詞彙改成「偶像劇 AND 台灣」、「Taiwan AND Drama」,進一步為政府近年的南進政策、拓展東南亞旅客來台觀光的規劃,提出建議。
此時,我們需要Google!以「流星花園 AND (台大 OR 臺大 OR 台灣大學 OR 台大)」搜尋,找不到什麼資料呢!改以「“meteor garden” AND NTU」搜尋則出現很多資料,還有東南亞遊客在臺大圖書館前留影的照片,真是誤會大了!由此可知,網路世界錯誤資訊的傳播速度及範圍,下次當個觀光客之前,除了使用英文搜尋資料,也要試試看當地的語言、到當地的網站查資料,才不會跑錯地方,玩得更盡興。
In conclusion, Meteor Garden is not in NTU! It is in National Chung Cheng University in Chia-Yi. So, don’t make mistake like other tourists.
- Meteor Garden (流星花園) real-life university – National Chung Cheng University (國立中正大學).
https://luomujie.blogspot.com/2017/01/MeteorGardenTaiwanF4UniversityChiayiNationalChungChengUniversity_1.html - Taiwan: Meteor Garden’s Ying De University | National Chung Cheng University.
by Chih-Lo Chen