EndNote插入引文時使用智慧引號「“ ”」
引號百百種,當進行英文書寫並運用EndNote插入引用文獻時,要如何確認所使用的引號是正確的樣式呢?發現錯了也沒關係,教你一招修改EndNote的Output Style Template,一氣呵成修改所有參考文獻清單的引號樣式!
繼續閱讀引號百百種,當進行英文書寫並運用EndNote插入引用文獻時,要如何確認所使用的引號是正確的樣式呢?發現錯了也沒關係,教你一招修改EndNote的Output Style Template,一氣呵成修改所有參考文獻清單的引號樣式!
繼續閱讀自2022年6月15日起,微軟宣布Internet Explorer瀏覽器終止服務,若需要使用以前僅限IE開啟的網站和資料庫,則可以啟用Edge瀏覽器內建的IE模式,或者在Chrome、Firefox安裝IE tab擴充功能。
A thesis or dissertation is the paper required for completing a diploma. Theses and dissertations could help us understand the research outcome of the department and senior students, and the analysis of sources and references could help us familiarize ourselves with the development of research in the past. If you were not sure about what issues your thesis will delve into, what topics you are considering had other students studied, and with what emphasis and precedent research, you may begin with the theses and dissertations written by other students.
Looking for theses and dissertations from prestigious colleges in the USA and Canada?
Use PQDT (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I) database to search for indexes, abstracts, and full-texts of the theses and dissertations. Also, you can get the PDF full-texts from Digital Dissertation Consortium (DDC).
As we know, Godiva is a chocolate brand from Belgium. Godiva is undoubtedly a symbol for high quality chocolate, and the origin of its name was from Lady Godiva, wife of Lord Leofric. She made a famous ride through the streets of Coventry and the taxes were reduced, making her a legend throughout the centuries. Inspired by the legend, the chocolate making family named their company after her and kept the associated values such as boldness, generosity, and a pioneering spirit.
繼續閱讀如果EndNote跳出錯誤訊息「某檔案 contains an incorrect path」,在Word插入citation後就閃退,又跳出錯誤訊息「某檔案 was not found」。可能是因為該Library檔案早已被刪除,但EndNote程式卻預設開啟該Library。
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