Mac上使用Endnote X4 + Office Word 2004/2008
EndNote X4 for Macintosh 可和 Office Word 2011搭配使用囉~
但開啟Word 2011後 CWYW工具列卻遲遲不現身, 該怎麼辦呢 ?
1. 在Mac上使用Word2004或2008請先升級 Endnote X4版本為4.0.2版
2.請參考以下步驟, 本文以Endnote X4 + Word 2004為例 ~
英文原文擷取自 Endnote Technical Support & Services
請用以下標題在Search Support Knowledge Base for EndNote articles檢索, 可看到原文.
標題 : EndNote X3/X4/X5 Mac OS X: After install no CWYW tools in Microsoft Word 2008
Word 2004: The simplest way to get the tools to appear is to open EndNote, and go to the EndNote menu. Select “Customizer” from the EndNote menu. Check the box in front of the “Cite While You Write” option. Click next until the Customizer is finished. Open a library. Then open Word and check the Tools menu for the EndNote submenu.
- Close Microsoft Word.
- Open your hard drive in the Finder and go to the following folder:
EndNote X4: Applications:EndNote X4:Cite While You Write
EndNote X3: Applications:EndNote X3:Cite While You Write - There are two files you need to create an Alias of them in your Word startup folder.
- Use the File>Make Alias command from the Finder to create aliases of these files:
EndNote Web.bundle
EndNote CWYW Word 2004 - Copy the alias files to the Word startup folder. Here is the default Word Startup location (which may be different on your computer):
Word 2004: “Microsoft Office 2004:Office:Startup:Word” - Change the name of the alias files to have the same names as the original files. Normally, the word alias is appended to the name and should be removed.
- Open EndNote and a library, then open Word, and the tools should load as expected.
先確認Word版本合乎Endnote需求, 以下列步驟進行 :
1.將 Word 程式都關閉 (最好也將Endnote程式關閉)
2.找到Mac系統中Endnote X4程式的 “Cite While You Write”資料夾後,
複製”EndNote Web.bundle” 和 “EndNote CWYW Word 2004 “二個檔案
3.將上述的檔案貼入Mac系統中Office 2004 Word的資料夾內取代舊有的檔案.
4.先開啟Endnote 再開啟 Word, 應該就可以看到CWYW的工具列了!
- 同樣情形發生在Windows系統?→請參考「Word 2007/2010」或「Word 2013」。
- 更多EndNote搭配Word撰文的疑難雜症?→請參考「CWYW各種疑難雜症FAQ」。
EndNote第一站 > 肆、Word撰文 > (1) CWYW > 疑難雜症FAQ:未出現CWYW工具列( Mac )
(1) CWYW|(2) 修改Style |(3) Word書目匯出 | (4) 插入圖表 | (5) 移除變數
Here is the correct answer:
Macintosh EndNote X4 & Word 2011
Q: How can I get the Mac EndNote X4 CWYW commands to appear in Microsoft Word 2011 under the Tools menu?
A: Make sure you have the EndNote X4.0.2 update installed. Once updated, the “About EndNote” screen should read Build 7031. You can download the EndNote X4.0.2 Update here.
The simplest way to get the tools to appear is to open EndNote, and go to the EndNote menu. Select “Customizer” from the EndNote menu. Check the box in front of the “Cite While You Write” option. Click next until the Customizer is finished. Open a library. Then open Word and check the Tools menu for the EndNote submenu.
If after following the instructions above the tools still do not appear:
Close Word and EndNote.
Open your hard drive and go to the following folder:
EndNote X4: Applications:EndNote X4:Cite While You Write.
Copy the file “EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle” by highlighting the file and going to “Edit > Copy.”
Go to the folder Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and paste the file, “Edit Paste.”
Note: In non-English versions of Word, the folder named “Startup” may be called “Start” or be in the localized language of Word.
Start Word, go to “Word > Preferences” and click on “File Locations.”
If the Startup folder is not set, highlight “Startup” and click on “Modify”. Select the folder Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and click “Choose.”
Click “OK” and close Word.
Start EndNote and then start Word.
(原出處請參考Endnote Technical Support & Services「EndNote X4/X5 Mac OS X: After install no CWYW tools in Microsoft Word 2011」)