More Than Chocolate: Explore the Literature and Art of Lady Godiva in the Databases and the Library

As we know, Godiva is a chocolate brand from Belgium. Godiva is undoubtedly a symbol for high quality chocolate, and the origin of its name was from Lady Godiva, wife of Lord Leofric. She made a famous ride through the streets of Coventry and the taxes were reduced, making her a legend throughout the centuries. Inspired by the legend, the chocolate making family named their company after her and kept the associated values such as boldness, generosity, and a pioneering spirit.


JSTOR Understanding Series: A connection between dated and recent research documents

After the Text Analyzer function, JSTOR introduced a new searching tool: The JSTOR Understanding Series. This tool connects the original research paper to the later-published dissertations, organizes every paragraph cited by future people, and links to the full text of the original publication.


不只是巧克力,探索 Lady Godiva 的文學與藝術

Godiva 是比利時巧克力品牌,一直是濃郁高級巧克力的代名詞。最近台灣超商與 Godiva合作,推出限量經典熱巧克力飲品,Godiva的飲料杯成為最近網路瘋傳炫耀的照片。吃了Godiva巧克力、喝了Godiva飲料,你可曾仔細看 Godiva的商標,發現駿馬背上有位長髮披肩的女子倩影?這名女子可是11世紀初的歷史人物 Lady Godiva!


欣賞英國植物學家Anna Atkins的藍曬攝影集

Anna Atkins

今天 Google Doodle 的唯美藍色系植物圖片,您是否聯想到台南市海安路的「藍曬圖」裝置藝術?這兩種藍色圖片的關聯令人好奇!原來今天 Google Doodle 紀念英國女攝影師、植物學家安娜˙阿特金斯(Anna Atkins,1799-1871)的216歲誕辰,原來她就是將「氰版藍曬法」發揚光大的關鍵人物!


描繪巴黎紅磨坊浮世印象的法國畫家羅特列克 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec


今天 Google Doodle 呈現一位畫家描繪巴黎紅磨坊舞蹈的身影,這位畫家正是法國後印象派畫家羅特列克 (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864-1901),Google 改編1896年羅特列克為紅磨坊繪製的海報──〈野薔薇小姐舞團 La Troupe De Mlle Eglantine〉,以此紀念羅特列克的150歲誕辰。
