Introduction to SLIM: Virtual Browse
When we find the required books by using SLIM system and look for the books on the stack, books of relevant topics could also be found. Browsing the stacks is like excavating treasure, during which intriguing books might be discovered. Is it possible to know what books are beside your required books if you were not in the library? The “Virtual Browse” function on SLIM could fulfill such requirement. 【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(30)如何線上瀏覽虛擬書架】
After entering the page of bibliographic information, click “VIRTUAL BROWSE“ on the left side of the page (also presented at the bottom of the page).
Use the left and right arrows to simulate the experience of browsing related books online. Click the books that you are interested in to get access to their further bibliographic details.
This function is operated according to the corresponding “call number” of the books, while it does not exactly represent the actual arrangement on stack. Other than cases of unexpected disarrangement, the inconsistence of book arrangement between the virtual browse and the actual condition on stack could be due to the distribution of books among different locations that share the same call number.
For example, there are 2 copies of the book in the collection of library, while they are stored in the Main Library and ASRS Service Center respectively.
Since the 2 items have the same call number, they are put in adjacent order in the row of “Virtual Browse”, while in fact, they are stored in different locations.
The “Virtual Browse” function helps you in browsing books with close call numbers online, presenting them collectively from different locations. Hopefully that you might discover more desired resources with virtual browse function.
Further Readings: Guide for NTU Library SLIM system
by Yu-Hung Kao & Chih-Lo Chen