標籤: SLIM

More Than Chocolate: Explore the Literature and Art of Lady Godiva in the Databases and the Library

As we know, Godiva is a chocolate brand from Belgium. Godiva is undoubtedly a symbol for high quality chocolate, and the origin of its name was from Lady Godiva, wife of Lord Leofric. She made a famous ride through the streets of Coventry and the taxes were reduced, making her a legend throughout the centuries. Inspired by the legend, the chocolate making family named their company after her and kept the associated values such as boldness, generosity, and a pioneering spirit.


利用Zotero ,幫你確認臺大圖書館是否有電子全文或實體館藏!

Zotero為免費的書目管理軟體,除了利用它收集書目外,也可以將先前曾經保有的書目RIS檔匯入Zotero;此外,查找書目之後,最終一個步驟都是想要找到全文或是借閱圖書,因此,一定也會想知道臺大圖書館是否有館藏吧! 其實,只要小小調整一些設定,就可以連結臺大圖書館館藏查詢!



2021年9月16日 Google Doodle 紀念羅曼菲女士的66歲冥誕,以柔美的線條與弧度,展現綽約曼妙的舞姿。羅曼菲自臺大外文系畢業後,加入雲門舞集,也曾進入美國百老匯舞蹈團,而後於紐約大學取得舞蹈碩士學位。羅曼菲女士為雲門舞集2藝術總監、臺北藝術大學舞蹈系副教授,並獲得第二十二屆吳三連藝術獎、第四屆國家文化藝術基金會文藝獎。


Introduction to SLIM: How to extend the due date?

I would like to extend the due dates of books borrowed, how to do a renewal of my items online? How long would the due date be extended?

In this introduction, we will show how to extend the due date of borrowed books, on what occasion you can renew your borrowing online, what situations would there be afterwards, and guide you through these functions on SLIM system.


How to find “The Economist” in NTU Library?

The Economist was founded in 1843 in London. It is an weekly newspaper which focused on international news of politics, business and finance.  The unique and insightful analyses make it not only the a classic reading for teachers and students in business school but also an important tool for entrepreneurs to keep up with the latest information around the world.


Introduction to SLIM: Virtual Browse

When we find the required books by using SLIM system and look for the books on the stack, books of relevant topics could also be found. Browsing the stacks is like excavating treasure, during which intriguing books might be discovered. Is it possible to know what books are beside your required books if you were not in the library? The “Virtual Browse” function on SLIM could fulfill such requirement.  【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(30)如何線上瀏覽虛擬書架
