Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences Research Resources (HUSO)

Haven’t have an idea for your literature report? Too many databases from the library to choose from? Try this Humanities & Social Sciences Research Resources (HUSO) system arranged by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).


MLA – International Bibliography: Modern International Language and Literature Index Database

MLA – International Bibliography: “Modern International Language and Literature Index Database” is made by Modern Language Association, and it provides journal articles, books, and the elaborated bibliography of dissertations. The source of the index included peer reviewed academical journals, doctoral thesis, monographs, published reference materials, proceedings, textbooks, teaching anthologies and more. The themes cover multilingual academic research fields, such as linguistics, literature, folkloristics, literary criticism, drama and theater arts. Most of the documents are in English, and also includes French, Spanish, Portuguese and some 60 languages. There are up to 4,400 types of journals, and the database also provides related information of them. In this article, you will be briefly guided through the basic functions of this database.



2021年9月16日 Google Doodle 紀念羅曼菲女士的66歲冥誕,以柔美的線條與弧度,展現綽約曼妙的舞姿。羅曼菲自臺大外文系畢業後,加入雲門舞集,也曾進入美國百老匯舞蹈團,而後於紐約大學取得舞蹈碩士學位。羅曼菲女士為雲門舞集2藝術總監、臺北藝術大學舞蹈系副教授,並獲得第二十二屆吳三連藝術獎、第四屆國家文化藝術基金會文藝獎。


iBiology: Free website of biology-related videos

iBiology, former iBioEducation, iBioSeminars, and iBioMagazine, is a free website of biology-related pedagogic video, established by professors of cellular and molecular pharmacology of UCSF, Ron Vale. Found as a  project and sponsored by National Academy of Sciences of America, iBiology provides more than 600 videos regarding lessons and interviews of researchers devoting to fields related to biology.


Introduction to SLIM: How to extend the due date?

I would like to extend the due dates of books borrowed, how to do a renewal of my items online? How long would the due date be extended?

In this introduction, we will show how to extend the due date of borrowed books, on what occasion you can renew your borrowing online, what situations would there be afterwards, and guide you through these functions on SLIM system.


JSTOR Understanding Series: A connection between dated and recent research documents

After the Text Analyzer function, JSTOR introduced a new searching tool: The JSTOR Understanding Series. This tool connects the original research paper to the later-published dissertations, organizes every paragraph cited by future people, and links to the full text of the original publication.


[圖書選介] 教育學門論文寫作格式指引:APA格式第七版之應用




本部落格曾撰寫〈IN啦!奧運羽球比賽的電子線審–鷹眼系統之應用〉一文,介紹可查詢鷹眼系統 (Hawk-eye System) 應用與技術研究文獻的資料庫。接下來,本文將焦點放在鷹眼技術的專利,將以《科學月刊》2021年8月〈疫情下消失的人工線審,讓電子線審的時代提前到來了嗎?〉提及的專利為題,示範如何檢索專利資源,該文章羅列的專利案例如下:


如何查詢期刊之Impact Factor (JCR資料庫2021年新介面)


Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 為期刊評比資料庫版,本文介紹查詢特定期刊之Journal Impact Factor (簡稱IF值、JIF值,中文譯為期刊影響指數、影響因子、影響係數) 及其排名的步驟。

二、查詢特定期刊的 Impact Factor
三、查詢特定領域 (利用 Browse categories)
四、查詢特定領域 (利用 Browse journals)
