分類: 社會科學館藏資源
Open access (簡稱OA) 已蔚為學術發表的新趨勢,透過 OA 的實踐,讓學術成果被更多人看見,也變得更易於取得及傳播。掌握 OA 資訊,常用的工具有 DOAJ、DOAB,各國也陸續推出整合 OA 資料的平台,例如韓國的 KOAJ (Korea Open Access Journals),中國大陸的 COAJ (China Open Access Journals) 及 NSSD (National Social Science Database)。
在台灣,則有國科會建置的「臺灣學術期刊開放取用平台」(TOAJ–Taiwan Open Access Journals) ,提供開放平台,協助研究成果的傳播交流及永續典藏。
網絡,是以節點(node)作為基本的單位,由節點與節點之間共用有關係(relation)產生連結(edge),以形成網絡。而社會網絡分析則是藉由網絡形成樣態,可以從整體理解網絡全貌,並且藉由圖形理論的運算,理解節點本身、節點所組成的部分網絡、網絡樣態的意義,進而篩選出有用的資訊。社會網絡分析和傳統量化分析的差異在於,1. 不受量化統計母體樣本的限制;2.可以將隱性的知識視覺化,例如:關係、合作經驗;3.可以應用根據圖形理論運算的社會網絡分析指標來研究分析。
繼續閱讀Databases for EMI Courses-Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
The NTU library has a rich multimedia database, which is suitable for EMI courses as teaching materials to show videos in class. In this article, we’ll introduce eight databases of arts, humanities, and social sciences. Welcome to make full use of those databases to make the EMI course more interesting!
[圖書選介] 教育學門論文寫作格式指引:APA格式第七版之應用
繼續閱讀How to find “The Economist” in NTU Library?
The Economist was founded in 1843 in London. It is an weekly newspaper which focused on international news of politics, business and finance. The unique and insightful analyses make it not only the a classic reading for teachers and students in business school but also an important tool for entrepreneurs to keep up with the latest information around the world.
How to find TIME magazine in NTU Library?
The article will introduce where is the Time magazine in print form in the NTU Library and how to use the electronic form of it.