標籤: airiti Library

Where to find dissertations and theses?


A thesis or dissertation is the paper required for completing a diploma.  Theses and dissertations could help us understand the research outcome of the department and senior students, and the analysis of sources and references could help us familiarize ourselves with the development of research in the past.  If you were not sure about what issues your thesis will delve into, what topics you are considering had other students studied, and with what emphasis and precedent research, you may begin with the theses and dissertations written by other students.


How to find the theses of GMBA (Global MBA) in National Taiwan University?

How to find a thesis or dissertation of a specific department in NTU?

You could enter National Taiwan University Library website and click on the tab “Search & Find”. Then, under “E-Resources”, there are 2 databases for searching theses and dissertations.

  1. Chinese E-Theses & Dissertations Service, also known as “Airiti Library”
  2. NTU Theses and Dissertations Repository, also known as NTUTDR





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毫無懸念地,2013 年 9 月 19 日的 Google Doodle,正有一顆大圓月高掛在首頁,因為今天正是農曆 8 月 15 日中秋節,我們也在這裡祝大家中秋節快樂!天兔颱風來湊熱鬧,不知今晚能否看到月光,不如現在就先來聽聽德布西的名曲(月光 Clair de Lune)!(請參考:悠悠月光中,聆聽與閱讀德布西Claude Debussy)。
