作者: NTU Library


最近Retraction Watch 所發表的一篇文章引起圖書館員的關注: How many times can a journal be hijacked? (館員OS: 期刊掠奪、仿製不夠,乾脆直接冒名頂替?)

註: Retraction Watch 也推出Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker. 這份清單可以警示那些被劫持的期刊。

Hijacked journal,被劫持的期刊,意指期刊在未經許可下,劫刊者接管了合法刊物的標題、ISSN 和其他書目資訊。這篇文章作者Anna Abalkina與Rob Keller同時指出某些合法期刊類型特別容易受到劫持,包括以英語或當地語言出版的小眾期刊或商業雜誌、純紙本期刊以及被Web of Science 或 Scopus 資料庫收錄的期刊。劫刊者通常會避開大型知名出版商如Elsevier、Springer、Wiley的期刊。(館員OS: 挺聰明的呢!不然這些大型出版商給的法律訴訟可能吃不完兜著走。)


Databases for EMI Courses- Science, Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine

The NTU library has a rich multimedia database, which is suitable for EMI courses as teaching materials. In this article, we’ll introduce nine databases of science, technology, life sciences, and medicine. Welcome to make full use of those databases to make the EMI course more interesting!
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Databases for EMI Courses-Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

The NTU library has a rich multimedia database, which is suitable for EMI courses as teaching materials to show videos in class. In this article, we’ll introduce eight databases of arts, humanities, and social sciences. Welcome to make full use of those databases to make the EMI course more interesting!
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為何修改引用文獻沒動靜?請檢查EndNote與Word顯示的Record Number,並確認有無Traveling Library



我的Word文件篇幅很長,也從EndNote插入很多筆引用文獻,而且我經常編修更動。突然有一天,我發現EndNote Library裡面某筆書目有誤(如:Author名字拼錯字、Year打錯),所以我在EndNote端修改此筆書目。接下來,回到Word端,點選「Update citation and bibliography」更新之後,卻沒有任何動靜!為什麼Word無法呈現我修改的結果呢?

此外,我在Word文件點選這筆書目,卻無法執行「Edit Library Reference」的功能,也找不到對應此筆書目的原始來源,該怎麼辦呢?
