分類: 綜合型館藏資源
Where to find dissertations and theses?
A thesis or dissertation is the paper required for completing a diploma. Theses and dissertations could help us understand the research outcome of the department and senior students, and the analysis of sources and references could help us familiarize ourselves with the development of research in the past. If you were not sure about what issues your thesis will delve into, what topics you are considering had other students studied, and with what emphasis and precedent research, you may begin with the theses and dissertations written by other students.
How to Search for Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation from the USA and Canada?
Looking for theses and dissertations from prestigious colleges in the USA and Canada?
Use PQDT (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I) database to search for indexes, abstracts, and full-texts of the theses and dissertations. Also, you can get the PDF full-texts from Digital Dissertation Consortium (DDC).
讓學術影響力視覺化的「作者影響力光束圖(Author Impact Beamplot)」
任何的學術評鑑方法都有可議之處無法全然公平,對於評估學者個人學術影響力的方法而言更是如此。不斷有許多描述與度量的方法陸續被提出,期望能對學者的學術成就與其影響力有更全面性的勾勒,進而能消弭學科之間的差異性,在更為公允客觀的學術緯度之間將不同學科範疇的學者們加以比較。Web of Science(簡稱WOS)2022年的改版增加「作者影響力光束圖(Author Impact Beamplot)」,將數據透過正規化與百分位標示方式,讓不同學科領域的著作有相近的比較基礎,也讓數據以圖像化型式更清晰具像的呈現學者學術影響力。
繼續閱讀MERCK INDEX ONLINE:化學品與藥物的綜合性百科全書
新資料庫上線囉!國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心(NCHC)引進MERCK INDEX ONLINE,臺大是可直接查詢使用資料庫的機構之一。The Merck Index由英國皇家化學會(Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC)出版,線上版Merck Index是最新且完整的化學品、藥物和物質的綜合性百科全書,包含物質各項名稱、結構式、物理特性、參考文獻與應用等。
繼續閱讀圖書館線上電影院開播 百部佳片邀您共賞
圖書館引進「KMOVIE智軒雲端公播電影網」,臺大師生只要在校園IP內即可全日免費線上觀看索尼、迪士尼與福斯所發行的百部熱門佳片,享受電影所帶來視覺與心靈的愉悅時光。這些影片包括有:以蒼茫絕美鏡頭細膩探索「歸屬」的「游牧人生」(Nomadland),以奇幻愛情反思人性良善的「水底情深」(The Shape of Water),以冷戰間諜劇情刻畫價值觀的「間諜橋」(Bridge of Spies),以囚禁凸顯信念與心靈自由可貴的「隱藏的生活」(A Hidden Life),還有奧斯卡獲奬殊榮的「靜寂的鼓手」、「犬之島」、「鳥人」,以及動畫等等寓教於樂的優質電影(陸續上片中),值得細細品味欣賞。
繼續閱讀How to Download E-books from EBSCOhost eBook Collection
EBSCOhost eBook Collection is an E-book platform, and it provides abundant e-books. There are four ways to browse or download e-books in this platform. (not all four are valid to every e-book)
1. EPUB Full Text: use a browser to read 🙂
2. PDF Full Text: download some parts in PDF form (documents can be saved permanently) 🙂
3. Download This Book (offline): requires log in to EBSCOhost account (or link to Google account) to download the e-book to reading software, and the access limit is 1-7 days
4. Use App in Mobile Devices to Read E-books
本部落格曾撰寫〈IN啦!奧運羽球比賽的電子線審–鷹眼系統之應用〉一文,介紹可查詢鷹眼系統 (Hawk-eye System) 應用與技術研究文獻的資料庫。接下來,本文將焦點放在鷹眼技術的專利,將以《科學月刊》2021年8月〈疫情下消失的人工線審,讓電子線審的時代提前到來了嗎?〉提及的專利為題,示範如何檢索專利資源,該文章羅列的專利案例如下: