



  • 盧沛樺、田孟心、楊卓翰、陳一姍(2019年3月)。台灣為何成為掠奪性期刊的大肥羊?學術黑市現形記。天下雜誌,669期,85-95。
  • 楊卓翰(2019年3月)。日本學者痛批:學術騙徒正傷害台灣名聲。天下雜誌,669期, 96-99。
  • 楊卓翰(2019年3月)。台灣掠奪性集團操盤手:一開始,我們真的有偉大理想。天下雜誌,669期,100-107。
  • 田孟心(2019年3月)。送上門來的邀稿信,小心你的論文被綁架。天下雜誌,669期,116。

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  • 林奇秀、 賴璟毅(2014)。開放近用的陰暗面: 掠奪型出版商及其問題。圖書與資訊學刊, 6(2),1-21。
  • 辜美安、賴金英(2016)。學術著作投稿的陷阱:掠奪型期刊。臺灣醫學,20(2),216-221。
  • 彭台光(2018)。商管領域掠奪型出版:學術期刊黑名單與白名單及因應建議。管理學報,35(2),241-266。
  • Lin, C.-S. (2017). An Exploratory Survey of the Suspicious Open Access Journals. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 15(2), 45-66.

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  • 郭進京、陳秀娟、陳雪飛、黃金霞(2015)。劫持性期刊現象研究。圖書與情報,2015(5),16-24。
  • 江曉原、穆蘊秋(2017)。警惕國外“開放存取雜誌”及“掠奪性期刊”的陷阱。出版發行研究,2017(8),70-71。
  • 陳銘(2018)。圖書館情報學領域的掠奪性期刊研究。圖書館論壇,2018(1),56-61。
  • 楊克魁、姚亞楠(2014)。由掠奪性期刊引發的反思。科技傳播,2017(13),13-14。
  • 陳銳鋒(2013)。防治學術病,促使科技期刊健康發展。科技與出版,2013(8),113-117。


  • 王凌峰、杜艷玲、唐碧群(2018)。國內”掠奪性期刊”量化定義:期刊JPI指數。晉圖學刊,166(3),5-9。

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  1. Ayeni, P. O., & Adetoro, N. (2017). Growth of predatory open access journals: Implication for quality assurance in library and information science research. Library Hi Tech News, 34(1), 17-22. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/LHTN-10-2016-0046
  2. Beall, J. (2012). Predatory publishers are corrupting open access. Nature, 489(7415), 179. doi: 10.1038/489179a
  3. Berger, M., & Cirasella, J. (2015). Beyond Beall’s list: Better understanding predatory publishers. College & Research Libraries News, 76(3), 132-135. doi: 10.5860/crln.76.3.9277
  4. Bowman, J.D. (2014). Predatory publishing, questionable peer review, and fraudulent conferences. The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(176). doi: 10.5688/ajpe7810176
  5. Butler, D. (2013). Investigating journals: The dark side of publishing. Nature, 495(7422), 433-435. doi: 10.1038/495433a
  6. Erfanmanesh, M., & Pourhossein, R. (2017). Publishing in predatory open access journals: A case of Iran. Publishing Research Quarterly, 33(4), 433-444. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12109-017-9547-y
  7. Hemmat Esfe M, Wongwises S, Asadi A, et al. (2015). Fake journals: their features and some viable ways to distinguishing them. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(821-4). doi: 10.1007/s11948-014-9595-z
  8. Lang, R., Mintz, M., Krentz, H. B., & Gill, M. J. (2019). An approach to conference selection and evaluation: Advice to avoid “predatory” conferences.
    Scientometrics, 118(2), 687-698. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-018-2981-6
  9. Perlin, M. S., Imasato, T., & Borenstein, D. (2018). Is predatory publishing a real threat? evidence from a large database study. Scientometrics, 116(1), 255-273. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-018-2750-6
  10. Ross-White, A., Godfrey, C. M., Sears, K. A., & Wilson, R. (2019). Predatory publications in evidence syntheses. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(1), 57-61. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2019.491
  11. Shen, C., & Björk, B. (2015). ‘Predatory’ open access: A longitudinal study of article volumes and market characteristics. BMC Medicine, 13(230). doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0469-2
  12. Smith, K. L. (2017). Examining publishing practices: Moving beyond the idea of predatory open access. Insights, 30(3), 4-10. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1967317009?accountid=14229
  13. Stratford, M. (2012). ‘Predatory’ online journals lure scholars who are eager to publish. Chronicle of Higher Education, 27, A1-A8.
  14. Taylor, Z. W. (2019). The hunter became the hunted: A graduate Student’s experiences with predatory publishing. Publishing Research Quarterly, 35(1), 122-137. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12109-019-09639-7
  15. Xia, J. (2015). Predatory journals and their article publishing charges. Learned Publishing, 28(1), 69-74. doi: 10.1087/20150111
  16. Xia, J., Harmon, J., Connolly, K., Donnelly, R., Anderson, M., & Howard, H. (2015). Who publishes in predatory journals.  Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(7), 1406-1417. doi: 10.1002/asi.23265

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💡 簡易查證「掠奪型期刊」的管道如下:

1. Beall’s List

Beall’s List揭露了可能為掠奪型期刊的清單。若網站無法連結成功,可先點此查看過往清單。(2017/12更新)


透過DOAJ可查證是否為Open Access期刊,同時該資料庫的收錄原則亦考量同儕審查(peer review)機制,收錄內容普遍認知是較具公信力的。

3. Research Gate

Research Gate是學界的社群網站,研究人員在此交流分享資訊,依據同領域學者的經驗分享,經常能在此得到可疑出版社或研討會的相關訊息。

4. 分辨流程(辜美安、賴金英,2016)




正由於評估的準則各執一詞,也有人質疑 Beall’s List,認為Beall的觀點存有偏見,尤其針對較新的期刊或是開發中國家的期刊,提出這樣的觀點會令Open Access期刊的處境更雪上加霜。不同立場的思維,也提供大家思考。

😯 不小心投稿到掠奪性期刊或研討會,怎麼辦?



