DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)介紹
開放取用期刊指南(Directory of Open Access Journals),簡稱DOAJ。該期刊指南是屬於非營利、非官方,致力於OA的社區群體所經營的線上名錄,提供高品質、可信賴、符合開放取用,且有同儕審查機制的期刊目錄索引。
繼續閱讀開放取用期刊指南(Directory of Open Access Journals),簡稱DOAJ。該期刊指南是屬於非營利、非官方,致力於OA的社區群體所經營的線上名錄,提供高品質、可信賴、符合開放取用,且有同儕審查機制的期刊目錄索引。
繼續閱讀The article will introduce where is the Time magazine in print form in the NTU Library and how to use the electronic form of it.
繼續閱讀If you want to search for academic articles, Google Scholar is recommended. But how to get quick full-text access to the items that the library already subscribes to after searching the articles needed by Google Scholar ? When will the “Find it @NTU” show up to link to the full-text? Please follow the instructions below:
擷自“A black hole circling a wormhole would emit weird gravitational waves”. ScienceNews.
繼續閱讀If you are interested in a certain topic or subject, but have no idea how to locate them in the huge amount of library collection. The article will introduce several tips to quickly find the materials of a certain topic using the SLIM system. 【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(17)建立個人閱讀書單】
繼續閱讀IET決定將其所出版期刊自2021年起轉為Gold Open Access並開放2013年以前的全文,同時其121種(請見表一)期刊書目與全文已經自IEEE Xplore資料庫撤下(但IET Conference全文仍保留)。
繼續閱讀期刊名稱縮寫有其標準及常用格式,但可惜目前 EndNote 預設提供的 Journal Term List 清單,並無適合商業管理領域者。因此,我們嘗試自己編製一份商管的 Journal Term List。以下簡述編製過程、使用方法,並提供檔案下載連結。
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