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EndNote PDF Import 增加書目資料比對成功率的方法 ─ 手動新增 DOI 或利用 Find Reference Updates 功能
EndNote 的 PDF Import 功能,可將已下載的 PDF 全文檔案直接匯入至 EndNote 中,並將 PDF 文件中的 DOI(Digital Object identifiers)資訊送至 CrossRef 比對,若比對到相符的文獻,即可自動帶入書目資料。但若 PDF 文件本身沒有附帶 DOI 資訊,則無法帶入文獻的書目資料。此時,若您已查得該文獻的 DOI 資訊,則可透過以下方式補足書目:
本文介紹香港公共圖書館和大專院校所建置的資料庫──多媒體資訊系統、HKLIS Dissertations and Theses Collection ,在臺灣也可以搜尋及使用香港的電子資源。
繼續閱讀Summer Music Festival! Introducing to Naxos Music Library
Last Updated: 2025/1/17
Naxos Music Library (NML) is the major online classical music library in the world. It aims to offer music resources for users, for examples, CD sound tracks and even text sources. Also, it provides nearly one hundred thousand CDs with over 1.4 million sound tracks. You may download NML mobile apps to listen a wide range of music, including Pop, Jazz and Chinese Orchestra. 【中文說明請見此文章:來一場夏日音樂饗宴–Naxos Music Library介紹】
How to know which journal title is covered in Web of Science?
Last Updated: 2025/1/17
Web of Science (WOS) is a research platform encompassing sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities disciplines. The Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) comprises six main citation indexes, including Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), etc. If you want to know more about which journal title is involved in SCIE or SSCI databases, you may utilize the “Master Journal List”. 【中文說明請見此文章:如何得知期刊是否收錄於Web of Science資料庫?】
繼續閱讀How to download e-books in ProQuest Ebook Central (ebrary / EBL)?
You may now download, highlight and save your own bookshelves on ProQuest Ebook Central if you have an ebookcentral ID and the following is to illustrate the use of ProQuest Ebook Central in downloading. The user interface and new functions was updated in September, 2014. 【中文說明請見此文章】
Getting Started with National Taiwan University Library
Welcome to National Taiwan University Library 國立臺灣大學圖書館 (NTUL)!
If you have questions about NTUL’s resources, this article may serve as a guide to help you by introducing the use of the NTUL online catalog and related information services. Let’s find out how easy searching for a book or an article can be by using NTUL online catalog! 【中文說明請見此文章:新生第一站】