Search Results for: open access

Introduction to SLIM: Virtual Browse

When we find the required books by using SLIM system and look for the books on the stack, books of relevant topics could also be found. Browsing the stacks is like excavating treasure, during which intriguing books might be discovered. Is it possible to know what books are beside your required books if you were not in the library? The “Virtual Browse” function on SLIM could fulfill such requirement.  【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(30)如何線上瀏覽虛擬書架


JCR 衡量期刊影響力的 2021 年新指標:Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)


期刊評比資料庫 Journal Citation Reports (以下簡稱 JCR)自2021年起推出全新評比指標 Journal Citation Indicator (以下簡稱 JCI),強調納入領域正規化考量,用以呈現過去三年發表的論文透過學科正規化的引文影響力平均值。


How can I connect Google Scholar to the NTU Library’s resources?

If you want to search for academic articles, Google Scholar is recommended.  But how to get quick full-text access to the items that the library already subscribes to after searching the articles needed by Google Scholar ?  When will the “Find it @NTU” show up to link to the full-text?  Please follow the instructions below:


Introduction to SLIM: Scan QR code

When using computer or laptop to search SLIM system, you can use your smartphone to scan the QR code.  By doing this, you can quickly get the call number and the book title with you to access the book on the shelves in the library.  【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(27)QR Code功能


Introduction to SLIM: Journal Search & Database Search

The e-journals and the database systems are integrated into the SLIM system.  This article would introduce how to use SLIM system to search for e-journals and databases.  【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(7) 期刊&資料庫整合查詢


Introduction to SLIM: How to find the “Course Reserves”?

Due to the need in giving courses, the faculty in NTU can reserve the mandatory readings, including books, e-books, and audio-visual materials, as “Course Reserves”.  These materials are mainly located in the “Course Reserves Area” in the Main Library and other branches for students to use.  How can we use the SLIM system to access the materials assigned by the instructors?  Please follow the steps below to search. 【中文說明請見此文章:SLIM雲端圖書館自動化系統介紹(8) 如何查詢教師指定參考書


EBSCOhost 資料庫能用Google帳號登入囉

資料庫的個人化功能通常需要註冊一個帳號,但累積太多組之後,常忘記自己到底設定了什麼帳號密碼。現在,EBSCOhost 平台可以透過 Google 帳號登入囉!常用 ASC、Agricola、CAB、BSE、ERIC、MLA、PsycINFO 等資料庫的讀者,可以減少記憶帳號密碼的負擔,更方便儲存個人書單、儲存檢索歷史、設定新知通報等功能。
