Search Results for: open access

Science Direct (SDOL) 資料庫查詢與加值功能簡介

ScienceDirect (又稱 SDOL),為世界最大學術期刊出版社Elsevier的出版品資料庫。本館可使用逾2,500種期刊、以及約3,000種電子書。在「如何查詢期刊文獻?」一文中介紹過,ScienceDirect 這種典型的資料庫,是屬於出版商將自家出版品電子化的產品,相較於索引摘要型的資料庫,其涵蓋內容較少、且有侷限性;但其優點是,只要是本館有訂購的刊物與年份,都可以直接下載全文,且最新卷期上線快速,因此仍有許多使用者會直接進入此類資料庫查詢文獻。尤其 ScienceDirect 因為與 SCOPUS 資料庫同屬一家公司,在使用功能中提供了兩者緊密串連以達到文獻查詢上的加值效益。有關 ScienceDirect 較詳盡的說明,請參考廠商製作的使用教學,或參閱本文簡要說明:


Mendeley Research Catalog:學術文獻共享庫,與全球研究者同步閱讀

學術文獻產出迅速且數量龐大,您是否曾想知道哪些文獻是其他研究者都在讀的呢?您可以透過「Mendeley Research Catalog」,與全球研究者同步閱讀最受歡迎的新文獻!「Mendeley Research Catalog」位在 Mendeley 官網上的「Papers」頁籤 ( 網址: ),可以查尋全球 Mendeley 使用者收集與分享的文獻喔!


如何得知期刊是否收錄於Web of Science資料庫?

當您想瞭解哪些期刊收錄於Web of Science(簡稱WOS)資料庫,或是想查詢投稿期刊是否為SCIE或SSCI期刊時(兩者全稱分別為 Science Citation Index Expanded與Social Sciences Citation Index),可利用資料庫出版商網站中的Master Journal List 進行查找。【English version please see this article


Databases for EMI Courses-Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

The NTU library has a rich multimedia database, which is suitable for EMI courses as teaching materials to show videos in class. In this article, we’ll introduce eight databases of arts, humanities, and social sciences. Welcome to make full use of those databases to make the EMI course more interesting!
De Gruyter logo


JCR 2022最新鎮壓原則──引用自我堆疊(Self-Stacking)

JCR 2022的更新數據已於2022/6/28公布(請見圖書館公告),除了有3種期刊因自我引用過高而遭鎮壓之外,另外有6種期刊被列警告清單,而這6筆期刊的警告原因,是依據最新鎮壓原則──「引用自我堆疊(Self-Stacking)」進行評估(註1)。先前文章投稿前一定要認知的JCR警告期刊風險曾介紹,會被JCR列入警告期刊,主因為自我引用(Self-Citation)及堆疊引用(Citation-Stacking)。至於什麼是引用自我堆疊(Self-Stacking),以下將詳細說明。


How to Search for Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation from the USA and Canada?

Looking for theses and dissertations from prestigious colleges in the USA and Canada?

Use PQDT (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I) database to search for indexes, abstracts, and full-texts of the theses and dissertations.  Also, you can get the PDF full-texts from Digital Dissertation Consortium (DDC).


More Than Chocolate: Explore the Literature and Art of Lady Godiva in the Databases and the Library

As we know, Godiva is a chocolate brand from Belgium. Godiva is undoubtedly a symbol for high quality chocolate, and the origin of its name was from Lady Godiva, wife of Lord Leofric. She made a famous ride through the streets of Coventry and the taxes were reduced, making her a legend throughout the centuries. Inspired by the legend, the chocolate making family named their company after her and kept the associated values such as boldness, generosity, and a pioneering spirit.
